From 29 August – 3 September 2016 Grzegorz Ziółkowski and Csongor Köllő led a practical seminar The Boat organized by the Shoshin Theatre Association in Kide (Chidea) village near Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár) in Romania.
See details: THE BOAT.
The seminar openned with a solo performance Small House for the Dead by Csongor Köllő (actor) and Grzegorz Ziółkowski (director), with texts by Salvatore Quasimodo and Tadeusz Różewicz and live viola da gamba music played by Soma Salat-Zakariás (the Little Light Consort). At the end of the seminar an open-air performance with participants The Boat | Home was presented. It was based on a poem Home by Warshan Shire and directed by Grzegorz Ziółkowski.