STUDY || ROSA was people and the space between them that served long-term work on oneself and research into the relationship between actor training and theatre creation. Its work was from the heart, away from any formal structures.
From 2011–17 the work was directed by Grzegorz Ziółkowski and co-created by Maria Bohdziewicz and Maciej Zakrzewski.
Until February 2016 PRACOWNIA || ROSA was called studio in English but this name was changed to get closer to the Polish meaning of pracownia which emphasises the idea of praca – the work. Studio suggests small scale while Study refers to a retreat, a place of study. Rosa is Polish for dew. The Studio was called Pracownia Rzemiosła oraz Sztuki Aktorskiej in Polish, which literally means: a place for work on the craft and art of acting. Later, it read Ruch (movement), Obraz (image), Słowo (word) and Akcja (action).
Why is part of How. How is reflected in What. What is an extension of Who. Who meets Why.
Grzegorz Ziółkowski

The work of STUDY || ROSA was focused on awareness and harmonisation of breath, body and voice. The heart of the practice was lightness, sought for in the flow of actions and dialogues with oneself, an environment, a partner, a group. This quality could be found in training and in improvisations, understood as a space for being playful. Improvisations helped to build a bridge between training and the spheres of the imagination, composition and creation. It is in this domain where performances appeared – created by a common effort. It was a hand- and heart-made work.